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From Harvard College Admissions
Please see information below about the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS). You may wish to contact them with specific questions:
Below you will find specifics about visiting SEAS, the different SEAS courses and undergraduate programs. For additional information, please visit the SEAS Prospective Undergraduates web portal. It is important to note that all prospective undergraduate students, including those intending to study engineering and applied sciences, must apply directly to Harvard College Admissions
SEAS UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS: SEAS offers a number of concentrations and secondary fields (listed below). Please visit the links for additional information.
Applied Mathematics (A.B., A.B./S.M., Secondary Field in Mathematical Sciences)
Environmental Science and Engineering (A.B.; A.B./S.M.; S.B.)
COURSES: Please visit the SEAS Courses webpage for links to information about courses offered in SEAS and in other departments in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
ADDITIONAL FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: Please visit the Frequently Asked Questions webpage for a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions.
UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS: For more information about financial aid, campus visits, and to apply: Harvard College Office of Admissions and Financial Aid.