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Chin Up: You’re Smarter Than AI and Yes, You Can Break Into Tech

Writer: Sarah RashidiSarah Rashidi

Updated: May 18, 2024

Hello and welcome! I’m Serah. I have over 2 years of experience in the tech industry, less than a year in research, and 4 years of teaching experience. I recently completed my Master’s degree in Computer Science. It’s been a rollercoaster, 4 and a half years of college!

Believe it or not, I started this journey at 17 with no clue about programming whatsoever. One semester into college, COVID-19 hit, and from there, the tech industry bloomed into what it is today.


What is Tech ?

Tech basically stands for technology. Everything around you is technology, from your smartphone to your laptop or iPad. But tech isn’t that new , in fact it has been around for ages.

According to Cambridge's Dictionary, it is "relating to the knowledge, machines, or methods used in science and industry [1] ."

Seems complex, doesn’t it? Let’s trace back to the first-ever break of tech.

Technically Tech has been around for ages. The history of technology traces back human innovation from simple stone tools to today’s genetic engineering and information technology. The term "technology" comes from the Greek words "techne" (art and craft) and "logos" (word and speech) [2] .

New discoveries drive technological progress, helping us create new tools and explore places we couldn't reach before. Technology's history is closely tied to science and economic growth, shaping cultures and boosting economies and much more .

The Future of Tech ?

As an aspiring researcher and a woman in STEM, I believe tech is the heart of everything. It’s the intersection of all sciences. But where are we headed?

The market is currently flooded with tech opportunities. From web developers to cybersecurity specialists to AI engineers, there are plenty of opportunities out there.

Today, tech focuses on creating solutions that make our daily lives easier, improve business operations, and expand the limits of what's possible. It fuels economic growth, changes industries, and connects people worldwide.

As we move forward, the tech industry is set to achieve even greater advancements in AI, quantum computing, renewable energy, and biotechnology. This promises a future where technology will continue to be a key player in shaping our world.

How can I break into Tech ?

While this is an introductory blog, I've saved the best for the end. Let's answer one of the most on-demand questions: How can I break into tech? This one's tricky, and while there are plenty of blogs out there, some may be misleading or too personal. Certainly, not everyone wants to be a web developer, and not everyone is passionate about cybersecurity. So, the first step towards breaking into tech is to Find your niche.

But wait, how can I find my niche? While this blog and upcoming ones will help you understand various tech fields, ranging from AI to cloud engineering, the best way to discover your niche is to fully immerse yourself in the tech world. And while we'll cover various Tech resources and courses in future blogs, my top advice still remains to pursue a computer science degree.

Missconception 1

Now, let's address a common misconception: " But I don't need a college degree to break into tech." While some may agree, this topic is currently under debate. I won't cover it in detail today, but let me explain why a college degree can be beneficial. The internet is vast, and tools like ChatGPT can serve as helpful learning resources. However, a college degree offers something online courses and Books can't . It teaches you commitment and dedication . You have to show up daily !

Although I had to teach myself many things during my undergrad, and everything I am today is a result of my self-learning, what college really taught me was the essential skill of commitment. And his skill is crucial if you're planning to break into the tech industry .

Which brings us to our second misconception: AI is going to take my job !

Missconception 2

You’ve probably seen many reels saying that AI is going to take your job or even read news articles claiming there's no point in breaking into tech or learning programming. While I'll cover this silly misconception in detail in a future blog, let me tell you one thing: AI is a tool to facilitate your workflow, and no, AI isn't going to take your job away. In fact, AI can't replace your soft skills; AI doesn't have awareness, just yet! (Well, that is another debate to be covered later.)

A lot of smart employees have learned to automate their work and use AI for their benefit. AI is a tool that, if harnessed properly, can take you places. And we humans created that tool. So what happens if something goes wrong? If the internet is cut off or there's an error? Yep, you guessed it right, AI can't function and definitely needs us. There’s no AI without humans.


[1] : Cambridge Dictionary. (n.d.). Tech. In Cambridge English Dictionary. Retrieved May 17, 2024, from

[2] : Wikipedia contributors. (n.d.). History of technology. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved May 17, 2024, from


And with that, we reach the end of the blog. I hope you had a good read and learned a lot. Stay tuned as we'll cover more tech-related topics in future blogs .

Incase of any questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out to me via LinkedIn . I'm always open to fruitful discussions.🍏🦜

9 comentários

Zuzana Mareková
Zuzana Mareková
26 de mai. de 2024

wow, you provided a very nice view back to your college days. i am now certain that studying a somewhat hard STEM degree enhances not only your knowledge but also positive changes in becoming a better person. nice blog!

Sarah Rashidi
Sarah Rashidi
27 de mai. de 2024
Respondendo a

Thank you for your kind words! I agree, the challenges of a STEM degree truly foster personal and professional growth. I'm glad you enjoyed the Blog , stay tuned for more !


20 de mai. de 2024

Really great read!


19 de mai. de 2024


18 de mai. de 2024

I love TECH

Sarah Rashidi
Sarah Rashidi
27 de mai. de 2024
Respondendo a

Same here !


Alica Adamat
Alica Adamat
18 de mai. de 2024

I love this blog! I can't wait to read more of them.

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