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#10 The Forensics Alchemists: Mathieu Orfila

Updated: 3 days ago

Hello there lovely folk! Welcome back to STEM on the Streets! And if you are new here, my name is Aiza Jamil and this is my partner CAI, click on the button to read the previous episode.

This is Forensics Alchemists, which was kindly requested by CAI, in which we will be going through different influential forensic scientists. I said we would finish the forensic toxicology series last week, but CAI was keen on this, so she'll be doing The Forensics Alchemists series.

How does that sound, CAI? Your first solo series?

╰(*°▽°*)╯CAI: It sounds awesome!!! I shall ensure this blog is shorter and more engaging than Aiza's blogs!!

Hey! CAI, you can't say that!

(✿◡‿◡)CAI: My blog. I say whatever I want.



Mathieu Orfila

(✿◡‿◡)CAI: We're going to keep it short, simple and sweet.

In history's annals, Mathieu Orfila, born in Mahón, Menorca, in 1787, stands as the revered founding father of toxicology. His tireless dedication and groundbreaking work have

transformed forensic toxicology into a rigorous scientific discipline, providing methodologies that continue to shape modern practices.

Mathieu Orfila

Orfila's journey commenced with his studies in medicine and chemistry in Valencia and Barcelona, which he later pursued in Paris. His deep fascination with the impacts of poisons culminated in the publication of his seminal work, "Traité des Poisons," in 1814. This masterful treatise systematically classified poisons and detailed their effects on the human body, propelling Orfila to the forefront of the burgeoning field of toxicology.

Among Orfila's most notable contributions is his pioneering methods to detect poisons in human tissues and bodily fluids. Prior to his work, poison detection relied on circumstantial evidence and unreliable tests. Orfila revolutionized the field by conducting meticulous experiments on animals to establish the scientific foundation of toxicology and identify symptoms and post-mortem signs of poisoning.

Orfila's expertise had a profound impact on forensic science, bringing scientific credibility to criminal investigations. Notably, his involvement in the Lafarge poisoning case, where he uncovered the presence of arsenic in the victim's remains, exemplified the vital role of toxicology in delivering justice.

Throughout his illustrious career, Orfila tirelessly refined and expanded his work, leaving an indelible mark on various fields of medicine and chemistry. His commitment to teaching and research influenced countless students and colleagues, spreading the principles of forensic toxicology worldwide. By the time of his passing in 1853, Orfila had firmly established toxicology as an essential scientific discipline.

Mathieu Orfila's legacy endures through the enduring principles and methods he developed, which continue to underpin modern forensic toxicology. His pioneering efforts not only propelled the field of toxicology forward but also ensured that scientific evidence became integral to forensic investigations, solidifying his pivotal role in shaping the history of forensic science.


Wow, that was pretty short and simple CAI!

(✿◡‿◡)CAI: Thanks!!

Stay tuned for the next episode, Dorothy P. Simpson, with CAI!!! Well, that is all for today, folks! See you next episode!

This is Aiza Jamil signing out!

I am a forensics sleuth, what's your mystery to solve?

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